Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do you need MOTIVATION?

My best advice is sign up for something
A walk, 5k, half marathon, triathlon ect. 
It gives you a deadline and forces you to prepare
Now go out there, work hard, and be AWESOME!!

My Eating Habbits

Self control is the biggest factor and I always say if you can bake cookies and not eat any then you have good control.
 But seriously cook/bake your favorite food and not eat any to build control

So the first thing I did was devoted a week to eating the correct serving sizes to learn what was the appropriate amount to be eating. One thing that I'll share is the first morning I made cereal I stared at that bowl....I'm going to starve. Surprisingly eating the right amount at the right times throughout the day I didn't starve and it wasn't long I stopped needing my first snack. Also I stopped eating after 8pm only water. After 8pm is cool down prepare for bed there isn't much exercise/movement to burn off calories

Second thing I give up something food related each month so that I am not so depended or have the cravings.
April - Chocolate
May - Alcohol, soda, coffee, redbull, bad drinks
June - Potatoes and bread
July - Pasta and rice

After the month is over I can regain those foods
What I really gain is that I don't really need to eat/drink those foods ALL the time

My goal is not to lose weight or starve but to overall become a better healthier person

My work outs

Last year when I started running I would run 50 ft and I wanted to give up.
Then one day I ran a mile. Wow but now I raised the bar ehh
Each time I ran i would just go a little farther and a little farther. Some days I couldn't reach my limit.
The past fall/spring I was stuck at 1-1 1/2 miles this was not working. I got a stationary bike

For 4 weeks I got on my bike 60 minutes a day Mon-Thur on Sat I would run

The next 4ish weeks (I slacked a little in there) I reduced my bike time to 40 minutes followed by 20 minutes abs. On Sat I ran then followed it with my ab work out.

Cardio before strength, for everything that you do your heart rate must be up. You can build muscle but if you don't burn the fat on top you won't see it

I run or bike for cardio but something else might fit you better

My Ab workout consist of 
3 sets of 30
Also I count up to 20 and then 10 down
I rated them  Easiest> 1-5 <Hardest

The crossover crunch and bicycle give me the most and the crisscross and flutters are like my relax between

I am hoping to start the Boom Boom Butt Workout for my next 4 weeks

Please note that this is what works for me you might want to find other exercises that work for you

Let's get started

I have gotten a variety of questions/suggestions 
I am going to try to answer all of them in  two blogs 
One the break down of my work outs
Two the break down of my eating habits

There are two major facts:
1. nutrition and exercise is a marriage (with no divorce)
2. No body is built the same

Listen to your body and trust what its capable of doing. Your mind is either that devil or angel riding on your shoulder, it's up to you to chose which one to listen too.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


To take what you are given and mold it into something is labeled Art
Not all Art is liked and not all Art comes out right
Art can be breath taking Art can change lives
But Art is not limited to a painting, sculpture, photography, sound, or media.
Art is our body, mind, and soul
To take what we are given from birth and mold it into something.


Everyone dreams big
But everyone dreams differently 
Some dream of fancy homes and cars
Some dream of healthy lives
Some dream big for little things
And some like me dream to inspire & help others
It is truly a blessing when dreams come true